Jimmy Stewart’s Birthday

Happy Birthday Jimmy Stewart

In the tiny hamlet of Indiana, Pennsylvania – Jimmy Stewart, american icon of film was born on May 20, 1908. (he died on July 2, 1997 in Los Angeles, CA of a pulmonary blood clot). He is best known for his roles as the proverbial nice guy, and was known for his ability to say “aw shucks” – AND mean it! In 1932 – he graduated from Princeton University where he studied architecture. LikeTelevision has a bunch of great short clips on Jimmy, including this classic about Lake Baringo- from the Johnny Carson Show. And who could forget his memorial poem for his dog, Red. You’ll also find a slick caricature of Jimmy in Tex Avery’s wonderful cartoon – Hollywood Steps Out. If you are looking for a cool full length movie with Jimmy Stewart, that you probably have never seen – check out, Made For Each Other where he stars as a struggling lawyer (a nice guy would struggle as a lawyer – hahaha) with Carole Lombard. There’s a great scene with Charles Coburn, his deaf boss – who comes over for dinner. Lombard needles Jimmy to ask for a raise… but the dinner goes terribly wrong.

We miss you Jimmy – it’s good to know nice guys don’t always finish last. Happy Birthday!